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The Institute Of Economic And Legal Studies (Moscow) Held An International Conference:
“Restructuring of logistics chains: logistics, finance, law”
The purpose of the event: The Institute strives to provide direct and direct communication between owners and managers of organizations with experts in the field of law, finance and law to develop practical solutions in order to adjust business processes in accordance with the conditions of the new reality.
The following areas were highlighted at the conference:
Logistics: restructuring of international transport corridors; development of the North-South MTC in relation to Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Iran; development of the East-West MTC – mutual supplies with China and Asia-Pacific countries through the Far East and Kazakhstan; ways to optimize supply chains in the face of rising logistics costs; transfer of supplies and retail sales from offline to online; the development of digital logistics and marketplaces in supply chains; a new landscape of international trade in the face of sanctions and a new geography of supplies; scarcity and “windows” of opportunities for creating added value in supply chains; logistics of food, fresh products and essential goods in the new realities.
Finance: investments; use of the yuan and other currencies in settlements; multi-currency clauses in contracts; banking instruments.
Law: business relocation, purchase and sale of shares in companies; opening settlement accounts outside Russia; transactions involving legal entities from unfriendly countries; problems of currency and tax residency.